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BD Rhapsody™ HT Single-Cell Analysis System
Fast track single-cell research without compromise

With the BD Rhapsody™ System, multiple samples can be processed in a single run when utilizing BD multiplexing antibodies. The captured cellular information is utilized to generate various types of libraries for next-generation sequencing applications providing accelerated time to insight.

Three ways to proceed with flexible workflow


Keep cell capture beads for later processing

NGS library prep

Prepare on your own


Send cell capture beads to a core facility or sequencing provider

Flexible cartridge design

  • Up to 8 tests per cartridge
  • Partial use of cartridge enables:
    • Running more or different types of experiments
    • Processing samples together or on different days

Low multiplet rate per lane

  • 2,5 @ 10,000 cell load
  • 5,2 @ 25,000 cell load
  • 10,2 @ 55,000 cell load

Minimal batch effects

  • Consistent, reliable results with technical, biological, site-to-site and user-to-user replicates

Subsample beads

  • Creates flexibility with experimental design
  • Tool to measure sample quality
  • Share beads across sites with collaborators

Archive beads

  • Equivalent data obtained from fresh beads and stored beads
  • Support flexible and collaborative workflow approach
  • Backup for underperformed or failed library preps

High cell capture and low multiplet rate across cell inputs

Four cell types (PBMCs, Jurkat, Ramos and THP1) were pooled and loaded in duplicate at 10,000, 25,000 or 55,000 cells per lane on an 8-lane cartridge. Cell capture rates were high and multiplet rates were low at all cell load concentrations. The BD Rhapsody™ Scanner provides a measure of actual multiplet rate for cells loaded onto each lane in the 8-lane cartridge. Capture rates from the scanner were recorded up to 80%. The mutiplet rate for 55,000 cell input was 10.2%. Results may vary based on cell type and isolation method.

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Visual workflow QC

The BD Rhapsody™ Scanner can be used to provide quality control measures at different stages of the workflow by direct imaging through an intuitive user interface for a multi-sample workflow.

Experimental setup – Enter sample and experiment information to track samples through single-cell workflow

Multi-sample selection – Allow users to select and name up to eight lanes for processing through the cartridge scan workflow

Scan and status – Watch in real time the status of the lanes being scanned

Image analysis – Review the scanner quality metrics and make informed decisions on whether to proceed with library prep

Visual confirmation of cell capture

The viability of the input cell sample and success of each step of the cartridge workflow can be confirmed, giving the user the power to decide whether to change course or troubleshoot, if necessary, before expensive downstream sequencing.

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Multiomics enabled

The BD Rhapsody™ TCR/BCR Multiomic Assay, a full-length T cell and B cell receptor profiling tool for single-cell studies, is designed for use with the BD Rhapsody™ HT Single-Cell Analysis System.
This allows:

  • Gene expression evaluation with whole transcriptome and targeted mRNA assays
  • Cell-surface protein expression investigation with individual AbSeq antibodies or the 30-plex predesigned immune discovery panel

Easily design your experiments with validated protocols and products and find everything you need from your single source for single cell.

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